nanit sound and light machine with mobile displaying nanit app
nanit sound and light machine with mobile displaying nanit app


The 3-in-1 smart
sleep solution for
one-of-a-kind sleep

Establish even more confidence in your sleep routines with the newest addition to our family: A cutting-edge device that ensures better sleep.

What sets Sound + Light apart

main screen on sound + light with controlling light and sound and seeing temperature and humidity

Audio monitoring provides peace of mind + extension for your smart monitor

phone showing sound + light notification with crying detected near kids room

Cry Detection lets you know
when you’re needed, so you can
act quickly

main screen on sound + light with controlling light and sound and seeing temperature and humidity

Temp + Humidity monitors optimal room conditions to allow better sleep for baby—and you

routines screen on sound + light app

Set up consistent schedules to start at the ideal time for your family’s routine, and adjust as needed

sound selection on sound + light app

11 soothing sounds for every routine: Babies with white noise sleep an average of 2 hours longer!

color selector on sound + light app

Select a customizable night
light hue that cues sleep
(and minimizes disruptions)

A smart audio monitor
that evolves with your family’s needs

mom holding and kissing baby with sound + light on tableside and phone showing sound + light notification showing "crying detected near kids room"


  • Calming, soothing sounds promote healthy sleep routines
  • Night light that won’t disrupt sleep during late-night feeding + changes
  • Audio monitoring + Cry Detection provide extra peace of mind
routines screen nanit sound and light machine app displayed on mobile with mom and baby in background


The importance of routines

Sound + Light has two types of routines to build your family's schedule

  • Standard Routines allow you to easily schedule specific Sound + Light combos to start at the time your family needs
  • Predictive Routines use Pro Camera to trigger personalized smart settings and OK to Wake

Babies with the same bedtime routine slept an
average of 22 minutes longer per night*


4 easy ways to control Sound + Light

Sound + Light App

Easily manage your favorites, routines + volume/ light colors with intuitive in-app controls at home or remotely

Babies using white noise sleep an average of 2 hours longer per night

Explore our ecosystem of
smart parenting solutions